KoRn 2020-02-13 JQH Arena, Springfield, MO, USA

685 S John Q Hammons Pkwy, Springfield, MO 65807, United States
Directions: Google Maps
jqharena.missouristate.edu (Opened 13 November 2008. Located on the Missouri State University campus.)


  1. Here to Stay
  2. Blind
  3. Clown
  4. Cold
  5. You’ll Never Find Me
  6. Can You Hear Me
  7. Shoots and Ladders
  8. Got the Life
  9. Faget
  10. Somebody Someone
  11. Make Me Bad
  12. Freak on a Leash
  13. Encore:

  14. 4 U
  15. Twist
  16. Coming Undone
  17. Falling Away From Me




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