KoRn 2020-03-21 Knotfest Japan 2020, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan

Event / Festival: Knotfest Japan 2020

Show Notes:
Show were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

-KNOTFEST JAPAN 2020 開催延期のお知らせ-

2020年3月20日(金・祝)、21日(土)幕張メッセにて予定しておりましたKNOTFEST JAPAN 2020の開催は、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を防ぐため、及び日本政府からの注意喚起を受け、スリップノットとの協議の結果、お客様、出演者、関係スタッフの安全面を第一に考慮し、残念ながら開催を延期することと致しました。

スリップノット及びマネージメントと現在振替日程の調整を行なっており、振替日程が確定次第KNOTFEST JAPAN オフィシャルHP、Twitter等にて詳細をご案内させて頂きます。





Postponement of KNOTFEST JAPAN 2020

As a result of the current situation in connection with the coronavirus mandates in Japan and after thorough discussions with KNOTFEST organizers & Slipknot concerning the safety of the fans, artists, staff and everyone involved, we regretfully announce the postponement of KNOTFEST JAPAN 2020 originally scheduled for March 20th 2020 and March 21st 2020 at Makuhari Messe.

We are working with Slipknot and their management team on the new dates and will provide updates and announcements on the KNOTFEST JAPAN website and socials as details are confirmed.

For customers who wish to keep their tickets, please store your purchased tickets in a safe place as they will be valid for the rescheduled dates. For customers who wish to receive a refund, please hold on to your tickets until we announce full details of the refund process.

Slipknot, their management, and our entire staff sincerely apologize for any inconveniences this has caused customers who have been looking forward to the festival.


2020-03-05 Knotfest Twitter

Knotfest Japan 2020

Knotfest Japan 2020






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