Chat Transcript for March 28th
Jonathan Davis will be returning April 4th, @ 7pm (Pacific Standard Time) for another live chat. This is the 5th chat in our so far weekly series, and we look forward to many more. We hope that everyone will join us next Friday.
*[dC]*: ready jon?
jd: sure
jd: yep
*[dC]*: Question: how does the new twilight zone theme sound and what was it like doing that?
jd: it sounds awesome and it was so kool to do it runnig now on upn
*[dC]*: Bones: Who is your fav female musical artist?
jd: bjork
*[dC]*: < Ж(a)ZeE4_)0|||)(a)/|Я: Jon are you gonig to play any of the new album’s music at ozzfest?
jd: yes at least one song
*[dC]*: awesome
*[dC]*: gooFy: is jon going to start work on the dvd with clive barker any time soon?
jd: yes im workin on it now
*[dC]*: weendy Question: Hi, I know that this question is not as important as «Whats your fav song», but Where
did you get the confession letter from Albert Fish? Thanks Wendy
*.mish.*: a serial killer
jd: i bought it from my partner art
jd: he just finds this stuff i dont know how
*[dC]*: Dark_Assailant: At this moment, what is your favorite film ?
jd: lord of the rings the two towers
*.mish.*: You have good taste in movies 🙂
jd: thanks
*[dC]*: MissyTheGayElf: [question] Jonathan, you are so generous to do these chats. How do you find time to meet with your KoRn Kids every Friday? ~MissyTheGayElf p.s. we still lvoe your hockey puck
jd: well i just make time nathan sittin here with me he says hi to everybody
*.mish.*: elo nathan
*[dC]*: josh petrino: Hey Jon, just followin up on any information from gayle, about Shrine? Anything New? If you need to contact Shrine, Dc can provide the number?
jd: ok ill get it from dc
*[dC]*: IbAneZ: did u have any tips for ppl who wanne start an carrer in music buissness? Thx for the song daddy it helps me alot!!
jd: my only advice is to stay strong and play play play
jd: if your good enough you will make it
adidaDeuce: Jonathan, what are your views on the ‘Parental Advisory’ sticker? Do you think it should prevent kids from being allowed to buy CDs? Your lyrics have helped me so much, thanks<3 ~adidaDeuce
jd: i think the sticker is bullshit
jd: some jesus freaks got excited and made a big fuss
jd: pmrc
jd: started all that bullshit
jd: fuckin hate them
*.mish.*: thats what happens when you name your kids tipper
[.snoopy.]: Jon,what other videos will you be doing For untouchables?,are there any singles off the new album that you can let us in on?,hows the serial killer musem comming along? — SnooP
jd: museum is goin good workin hard on the new album and no more videos on untouchables
SilverChair Queen: Hi Jonathan 🙂 Didn’t you tour in Fresno, Cali once and ,if so, why don’t u anymore? Didn’t like it? P.s. see u at OZZFEST 😀
jd: we have played there twice or more
SilverChair Queen: oo ok tyy
jd: its cool
SilverChair Queen: come again!!
SilverChair Queen: kewl 😀
SilverChair Queen: come to mendota too~! i’s abtou an hour away
SilverChair Queen: :LOL..lof u jonathan!!
SilverChair Queen: hi nathan
*[dC]*: Mrs.§haffer: What made you write a song like Trash?
jd: a hard relationship
*.mish.*: relationships suck
*[dC]*: Cameltosis: in your own spare time, if you have any since you and the guys are making a new album, what bands are you currently listening to now??
jd: canibal corpes justin tiberlake and morbid angle
*.mish.*: lol im not the only one that likes him i dont have to be ashmeded
*[dC]*: JeffTheKornFreak: Hey Jonath, how are you? You’ve inspired me to write and sing. Do you plan on getting
anymore piercings in the near future?
jd: thank you and no not really i would probably tear them out on stage
*[dC]*: Jasmine (UndisputedLoser): I would hate this to happen, but, if one member of Korn left etc for some reason, where would that leave the rest of that band?
jd: fucked
*[dC]*: Karma: more of a comment than a question…Jonathan, I love you man! Thank you for being you and for all you’ve done for us all.
jd: your welcome
jd: thanks for hangin out
*[dC]*: KoRn Kid: Hi Jonathan! If u meet a genie, what would ur 3 Q’s be?- KoRn KId
jd: damn i hate that one
jd: i dont know
*[dC]*: *ShAdOwKoLd*: are u guys planning on hitting any more canadian tours, more specifically coming back to vancouver canada? if so, see yah there 🙂
jd: yes we will hit canada on the new album tour
Thauris Wulfila?: Hey Jonathan how are you, deven, nathan and the rest of the band? Umm….who’s the most ticklish in the band? *huggles* =)
jd: we are fine and head is
Me†al: Hey Jon have you ever seen my koRn site, If so what did you think??- Me†al
jd: never seen it il check it out
coolz : Hie Jonathan, outta curiosity, can you float? XD. ty mish/jon — coolz
jd: sure
.[†iffish].: Hiiiiiii Jonathan,What’s the nicest, most disguisting, and generally most weird thing a fan
has ever sent you, and — more importantly — did you keep it?katy wants you’re babies!!*hug*-Tiff
jd: i have recieved bloody panties
*.mish.*: eww
jd: pictures of babies named after me
jd: thats the koolest
*[dC]*: did you keep the panties jon?
jd: nah
*[dC]*: hehe
*[dC]*: .Zanthia.: Which KoRn video is your favourite? Hi! zanthia
jd: adidas
*[dC]*: saturation-chamber: if you had a choice to be anything other than a singer what would it be
jd: the owner of girls gone wild
*[dC]*: KoRnY~FuKeR : Hello Jon, I was wondering about the content of your next album could you give us the fans a hint on some of the things your singing about?’
jd: i havent got to writing lyrics yet
jd: every body i got to go
jd: got nate pullin on me
jd: thank you all for comming
jd: ill be here next week same time same day
jd: later