Чат с Джонатаном от 7 сентября 2004

7-го числа Джонатан опять побывал в KoRner’e. Читайте транскрипт чата

tavernangel: mornin
tavernangel: sv you around?
xhryzt: hey
.Death.In.Dreams.: Hello Johnny
.Death.In.Dreams.: *ducks*
JD: hello
xhryzt: whats up
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: God up please?
JD: figuring out this new version of the palace client
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: which one?
KoRnFaN: hey jd
JD: im on mac osX
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: ^checkin
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: aight had to add your new reg to the gatekeeper system
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: your all good now
KoRnFaN: heh
xhryzt: hey jo
KoRnFaN: hey jo
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: heylo
tavernangel: hey jo!
KoRnFaN: so mish is that him?
~jo~: hi anthony
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: my wrist feels like its about to break off
~jo~: hi lou
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: yea its him
KoRnFaN: w00t
xhryzt: cool
~jo~: hi jon
JD: hello
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: So hows it feel to be home?
JD: gooood
~jo~: home is always good
KoRnFaN: jon what does this symbol thing mean?
~jo~: mmm
KoRnFaN: it was on a korn shirt
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: a bed must be a wet dream after living on a bus
JD: i was out for like 4 moths
KoRnFaN: and rumor has it they stopped making it
KoRnFaN: cause it means something bad
~jo~: lol
KoRnFaN: but we dont know what it means
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: :mish btw im pretty sure you know that tho
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i keep doing this damn code backwards
JD: so whats up
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: my birthday is tomorrow
xhryzt: not much, just chillin
JD: happy b day
~jo~: wooo happy bday mish
xhryzt: happy bday mish
KoRnFaN: wonderin what this thingy in my AV is
tavernangel: happy birthday
~jo~: im waiting to go home after the hurricane
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: thanks
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: has it passed and your waiting for clearance?
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: or is it still in your area
~jo~: i am aiting fir electric and phone to come back
~jo~: no it ok now
KoRnFaN: so
KoRnFaN: you guys ready for another tour now that PR is done?
~jo~: but now we have ivan to wory about
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: yea last bad huricanne that hit us took out our power for a week
~jo~: ya it takes alot to put shit back togeher
xhryzt: yep
Jon(SV): omg
KoRnFaN: heh
xhryzt: hehe
tavernangel: hey sv
tavernangel: sorry bout last night
Jon(SV): Hi
Jon(SV): ohh
tavernangel: darn dsl
Jon(SV): it was ur comp,not u
xhryzt: hey ck
Jon(SV): God up JD!
~jo~: hi ck
CanadianKoRn: hello
KoRnFaN: i think hes on px jon sv
KoRnFaN: and we already know its him
~jo~: lol yea’
Jon(SV): i dnt
CanadianKoRn: hes alright
Jon(SV): i was busy
tavernangel: great show on sat btw
JD: thanks
Jon(SV): I believe u cK
~jo~: yea it was awesome in west palm too
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: no
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: px is a windows based client
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: JD uses Macs
JD: yah
KoRnFaN: heh
KoRnFaN: but macs do have windows emulators in them
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: mish of the junk food brains
Jon(SV): okay,this is wat my mates frm skool want me 2 tell u JD.
JD: ok
JD: shoot
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: well from what I know JD has always used Mac based Palace clients so
KoRnFaN: heh
JD: yep
JD: mac
Jon(SV): Mike sez he’s crazy about u coz he’s been put thru a lotta crap by his mum.
JD: thanks mike
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: I HATE THIS CODE!!
Jon(SV): Brenden just stutters and says:»what do u say 2 ur hero?!»
CanadianKoRn: lol
KoRnFaN: uh
JD: hi
KoRnFaN: od you need to close off a br?
KoRnFaN: do*
~jo~: lol
KoRnFaN: just like, put
KoRnFaN: or in xhtml, use
Jon(SV): sarah would like u 2 say hi 2 munk 4 her,she loves him.
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: board code
CanadianKoRn: there she is
CanadianKoRn: hehe
~jo~: hi sara
KoRnFaN: ah
JD: ok i will
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: im writing FAQs
squeem: im srorry ck
xhryzt: whats next on the agenda after the word up video JD?
squeem: you made me fall out of bed
JD: album
CanadianKoRn: lol
squeem: i was all out of it
xhryzt: haha I knew that
Jon(SV): And I want to thank u 4 saving my life.
KoRnFaN: im thinking you guys are aliens or something
KoRnFaN: in the word up vid
CanadianKoRn: i was like oh shit i gotta call her
KoRnFaN: from that kamp preview
squeem: i thought you were a telemaketer opr someone form work
xhryzt: are you guys going to make a video for another brick?
~jo~: haha
CanadianKoRn: then u didnt answer first ring
CanadianKoRn: so i was like uh oh
~jo~: waht about shel?
KoRnFaN: hey shellz
Jon(SV): btw,Im a New Zealander.
JD: thank you for listening
~jo~: haha
~sH3LLz42o~: holaaaaaa
~jo~: hi shel
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Another Brick was amazing
CanadianKoRn: shellz thought i was jokin with her
JD: i love it there
squeem: no it just toko a second
CanadianKoRn: «r u serious?»
~jo~: omg it sure was
~sH3LLz42o~: i agree
Jon(SV): We know
~sH3LLz42o~: well ck that joke earlier
CanadianKoRn: :lol
squeem: oh and hi jonthan!
JD: hi
CanadianKoRn: i wouldnt lie about jd =p
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
Jon(SV): Thing is,I was ten when u did the big day out in 99.
~sH3LLz42o~: that would be a mean joke
~jo~: ya it would
CanadianKoRn: :for all those outta this i called shellz pretending to be the police
~jo~: lol
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
~jo~: lmfao
~jo~: no
JD: wow
Jon(SV): So,all of us are wondering when U’ll come 2 NZ.
~sH3LLz42o~: skurred me
~jo~: haha i wa shere b4 you shel
JD: i hope soon
~sH3LLz42o~: i know huh
KoRnFaN: so jon do you know what this thing is?
JD: we tried last tour
KoRnFaN: i forgot to ask you the last like 2 times, then i remember this time
~sH3LLz42o~: good one anthony
CanadianKoRn: is this like an ink blot test?
~jo~: lol
~sH3LLz42o~: i didn’t even remember
KoRnFaN: no
KoRnFaN: this is like, a korn shirt.
CanadianKoRn: haha
KoRnFaN: that they stopped making
~sH3LLz42o~: the 40 oz one
KoRnFaN: cause this symbol means something bad supposedly
KoRnFaN: but we have no idea what bad thing it means
KoRnFaN: so we wanted to ask you jd
Stearic Vocalist: man,im stunnd.
JD: thats the underground chicken sound logo
~sH3LLz42o~: hmm
KoRnFaN: hm
KoRnFaN: i’ll have to look that up
KoRnFaN: heh
JD: where we used to rehearse
KoRnFaN: ohh
xhryzt: ahh
~sH3LLz42o~: i seen u guys in phoenix good show jd
CanadianKoRn: kool
JD: thanks
xhryzt: well thats the end of that mystery
KoRnFaN: lol
~jo~: hha
~sH3LLz42o~: what lou
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: lol
xhryzt: the symbol
xhryzt: that tony had on his av
~jo~: lol
~sH3LLz42o~: oh yeah huh
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Do you need your avs Jonathan?
~sH3LLz42o~: saraaaaa?
KoRnFaN: damn i need to put some different porn on
squeem: sorry
KoRnFaN: even though im watching a live stream
KoRnFaN: this porn sucks
squeem: i think i move my fingers
Stearic Vocalist: oh hell no
~jo~: damn thislap top
Stearic Vocalist: *smacks comp*
squeem: they’ll break off, so fucking cold in this bitch
Stearic Vocalist: dnt u dare crash on me!!
CanadianKoRn: get some gloves
CanadianKoRn: or type with yr nose
CanadianKoRn: lol
~jo~: lol
squeem: i need my hoodie
squeem: but it’s..so far
tavernangel: i wish it would get cold here
~jo~: looks lik e i am typing with my nose
Stearic Vocalist: Hey,JD.Wat u think of people who can sing like u?
Stearic Vocalist: Scat and everything
JD: it cool
KoRnFaN: uh, who can?
Stearic Vocalist: me
squeem: i wish i had nyx number right now
Stearic Vocalist: hense the name
KoRnFaN: other than Dez from coal chamber/devildriver, he does scat
xhryzt: did anyone call April?
squeem: i would stand the wraith of her parents
CanadianKoRn: april is sick
xhryzt: ahh
CanadianKoRn: i dont wanan wake her up
xhryzt: ok
squeem: wait
squeem: i bet she’s at qork
squeem: work even
CanadianKoRn: qork?
~sH3LLz42o~: should i kall?
squeem: off the typos!
CanadianKoRn: lol
squeem: =p
xhryzt: yeah
squeem: brb
~sH3LLz42o~: jonathan i dont think i have ever really introduced myself the official way so i am shelly
squeem: …must…stop shivering
~jo~: aww
~jo~: sara
JD: hi shelly
~sH3LLz42o~: whats up
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: actually you dont want to stop shivering
JD: chillin
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
CanadianKoRn: im ck
~jo~: lol
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: shivering is your bodys way for creating more heat
CanadianKoRn: :hehe
JD: hi ck
~sH3LLz42o~: did u guys have that interview for kamp?
tavernangel: < -- Amy ~sH3LLz42o~: they were supposed to ask u questions right? JD: yes i did it ~sH3LLz42o~: oh kool Stearic Vocalist: this might b totally pointless but... *.Death.In.Dreams.*: -> demon spawn
~jo~: lmfao
CanadianKoRn: lol
~jo~: haha
squeem: haha, when i step outside ya’ll, my glasses fog up hardcore
squeem: friggn eyeballs
~jo~: lol
tavernangel: where are you squeem?
Stearic Vocalist: JD if u have msn,mine is- seasango_jr(at thingy)hotmail.com
CanadianKoRn: jd i read in a magazine awhile ago u got a new tattoo on yr back
CanadianKoRn: whats it look like and is it finished?
squeem: deep in the heart of texaasss
squeem: or waco.
~jo~: haha
tavernangel: and its cold?
squeem: it is in my apartment
~sH3LLz42o~: oh i got a pik from me at halloween let me find it
Stearic Vocalist: shit,where r my questions?
squeem: i live with this sweaty guy who needs it
tavernangel: hell in so cal it gets cold one day of the year I think
Stearic Vocalist: ohh yeah!
squeem: he’s like a polar bear
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: :you people dont know the meaning of cold
Stearic Vocalist: do u know when Greatest Hits r comin out in NZ?
Stearic Vocalist: this month i heard
squeem: i do!
~sH3LLz42o~: yeah fuck no mish
~jo~: lol
~sH3LLz42o~: i would die there
squeem: i used to live in maine
KoRnFaN: lol
~jo~: i know humidity
tavernangel: id love a little snow
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: well then you know the meaning of cold
KoRnFaN: i know the meaning of cold
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: so do i
xhryzt: you would all die in antartica
JD: should be the same as us
CanadianKoRn: me and mish know cold
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: NY gets as hot in the summer as most places
KoRnFaN: its gotten so cold here
squeem: heh
~jo~: lol
~sH3LLz42o~: i know heat
Stearic Vocalist: really?
squeem: but i am weeeak now
KoRnFaN: im in NY up in the mountains
squeem: texas has made me this fucking coldness pussy
Stearic Vocalist: coz i cant find deuce here
CanadianKoRn: canada = COLD
squeem: and i am a jacket whore too
JD: i think
CanadianKoRn: :in winter
tavernangel: oO me to I have more jackits than shoes
~sH3LLz42o~: man i kan’t find my pik
tavernangel: (sp)
KoRnFaN: its been below 0 before
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: NY gets as cold as Canada
Stearic Vocalist: ur hugging one?
CanadianKoRn: yeah
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: I drove there is a blizzard
squeem: maaan i cannot believe nik is not here
squeem: se would need something like this
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: To see Korn with frozen wind sheild wippers
CanadianKoRn: is that waynes fault too?
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
Stearic Vocalist: tavern,did u c my msn name?
CanadianKoRn: :i cant remember the weather that day
tavernangel: yes
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: we had to pull over in the storm to throw fluid with anti freeze in it on the windshield
tavernangel: heheh
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: to clear the ice n salt off
squeem: oo i saw korn ummm in dallas halloween 03 in a damn night gown and slippers covered with cold stage blood
squeem: COLD
Stearic Vocalist: im such a fukkn phsyco
~sH3LLz42o~: anything to get to ur guys show GOD DAMN U ARE FUCKING GOOD
tavernangel: sat was the first time Ive even see you guys live
squeem: i wa sliek this lil blue ice cube with pigtails
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
~jo~: lol
Stearic Vocalist: ^*cries*
JD: really
tavernangel: i waited years to see you to
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: First time I ever saw Korn I forgot the tickets at home, and when I got there no one was home
tavernangel: well worth the wait
~sH3LLz42o~: damn
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: so I had to break into the house
~jo~: lmg nno mish
JD: thanks
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: mind you this was in the snow and I was wearing a skirt
KoRnFaN: I just DLed some vids today of KoRn Pukkelpop belgium ’02
squeem: ha i did that for ozzfest
squeem: i was so pissed at that show
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: thru a window, find the tickets and beg my friends mom to drive us back
~jo~: lol
Stearic Vocalist: um,i heard wat u sed about bands copying u
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: I think the curse of Mish and Korn shows has finally lifted
xhryzt: my first korn show was my best day ever
squeem: i was ready to strangle the next person who looked at me and said «life ain’t so peachy rightn ow is it sweety»
* ~sH3LLz42o~ * should i put up my halloween pik
squeem: *kills*
KoRnFaN: Jon do you think you guys’ll ever play at madison square garden again?
KoRnFaN: that show was so amazing
tavernangel: hey Jonathan I have a q for you?
CanadianKoRn: knock on wood?
squeem: you gave i to me mish
JD: no
KoRnFaN: k
Stearic Vocalist: do u think they’r different to tribute bands or the same?
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Didnt like MSG?
tavernangel: how come you never laid down Layla? or did you and I missed it?
KoRnFaN: i have the mp3s of that entire show
KoRnFaN: msg
squeem: i have questions….but everyone is asking questions, heh
Stearic Vocalist: ohhh
JD: the place is to expencive
KoRnFaN: heh
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: My Dad works there
KoRnFaN: did you like the NY crowd though?
Stearic Vocalist: I have Abuse wiv Marilyn and some people said ur not in it
~jo~: lol sara i dnot have any etiher
JD: hell yes
KoRnFaN: I never see better crowds than NY
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Ive been around the east coast
Stearic Vocalist: were u apart of that…’track’?
KoRnFaN: heh
xhryzt: you love every crowd tho, right JD?
~jo~: lol anthony
KoRnFaN: lol
JD: track?
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: I should travel inland next tour meet new people see new crowds
Stearic Vocalist: Abuse
squeem: all these stupid quiestions pile up and it’s like, oh sara jonthan is finally on…and what does my brain do?
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: and get lost in more cities then ever before
Stearic Vocalist: Wiv marilyn manson
~jo~: haha
squeem: (spolde*
~jo~: lol
squeem: splode
squeem: fucking words
KoRnFaN: you guys should get rammstein back up here to tour with you
Stearic Vocalist: lol
KoRnFaN: even though
KoRnFaN: their new single Amerika
KoRnFaN: is a complete dis of america
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: those guys were cool
Stearic Vocalist: rammstien’s the shit
JD: im not sure
squeem: rammstien was toasty
squeem: i saw them on POA though
Stearic Vocalist: still is
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: drunk but very cool
Stearic Vocalist: 2++++++++
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: :if you hit esc it clears your text box
Stearic Vocalist: there’s a NZ band called Stardrunk and they’r wicked.
KoRnFaN: hm, 2 of the main bands id love to see play at a korn tour have dissed korn before
KoRnFaN: being, slipknot and marilyn manson
Stearic Vocalist: the singer does this tweeker thing in his vid and almost passed out.
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i grew out of manson
JD: ive played with both
squeem: um
xhryzt: JD didn’t you kick Manson’s ass once?
squeem: manson puts on and entertaining show
JD: yes
Stearic Vocalist: meh,im ok wiv Manson
xhryzt: awesome
~sH3LLz42o~: wooohooo
KoRnFaN: lol
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: yes Danzing Manson Korn
~jo~: yea
squeem: an
CanadianKoRn: are u friends again?
Stearic Vocalist: did he ever fuck u up?
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: tried to get to that show 21 n over
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: I was like 16
JD: yes i love the guy
~jo~: lol
KoRnFaN: cool
JD: slipknot and us are kool now too
~sH3LLz42o~: good
xhryzt: good to hear
KoRnFaN: awesome
CanadianKoRn: thats kool
~jo~: yea
~sH3LLz42o~: that’s what i like about u guys u are like always kool with everyone
squeem: man
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: :still dont like them
KoRnFaN: lol
~sH3LLz42o~: is there any band u don’t get along with
KoRnFaN: i love volume 3
Stearic Vocalist: *bites lip*
xhryzt: I don’t like em that much myself Mish
~jo~: lol i like some of their shit
squeem: i wsh their new cd was….not what it is
squeem: *cries*
JD: i love the last album
KoRnFaN: yeah
KoRnFaN: its so original
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: never bothered to listen to i t im a stubborn bitch
~jo~: vol 3 is ok for me
KoRnFaN: soft then heavy, then soft, and some songs are a mix
JD: its fuckin kool
~jo~: lol yea
xhryzt: listen to JD, Mish
CanadianKoRn: i havent listen to it either
~jo~: i like that mix
CanadianKoRn: listened*
squeem: i dont like corey’s vocals much on v3
squeem: i was sad
~jo~: no?
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: if any of you get bored n want to spell check the FAQs I did feel free Im twitchy from the code
~jo~: i did
xhryzt: I like the acoustic stuff on it
Stearic Vocalist: !*HUGS TAVERNANGEL*
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: I AM A FREE THINKER!
tavernangel: i cant spell
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: ^peer pressure
tavernangel: so much good Ill do
xhryzt: lol
CanadianKoRn: lol
~jo~: lol
KoRnFaN: heh
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: wait I dont know if any of you are actually my peers so
Stearic Vocalist: umm
KoRnFaN: sounded like i just heard my dad talking
~jo~: haha
KoRnFaN: if he is up though, i do have a good excuse.
KoRnFaN: for why im up
KoRnFaN: that is
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: I think the only one Im younger then at this point is JD
xhryzt: I’m 22, Mish…
Stearic Vocalist: JD,r u gonna b at the big day out in 2005,in NZ?
~jo~: no
~sH3LLz42o~: nope not in this room
squeem: hey
~jo~: me mish
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Im older
~sH3LLz42o~: jo jo
~jo~: i’m older
~jo~: lol
squeem: you’re like…3 year solder then me
KoRnFaN: heh
tavernangel: how old mish?
JD: dont know
~jo~: i’m 37
~jo~: lmao
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Ill be 25 tomorrow
squeem: oo
squeem: jo wins
~jo~: yay
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: and I still dont look a damn day over 17
tavernangel: well for one day were the same age
xhryzt: 25? I thought you were younger Mish
~sH3LLz42o~: happy early bday
~jo~: yay!
Stearic Vocalist: and,ur b-day is the day after it finishes.
squeem: i know that pain!
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: No I just look it
~sH3LLz42o~: if i dont see u
squeem: i still look 12
xhryzt: yep yep
Stearic Vocalist: Mines,6 days after urs.
CanadianKoRn: apparently i look older then 20
CanadianKoRn: but oh well
squeem: it’s like, i get carded at pg-13
~sH3LLz42o~: i look younger they say
CanadianKoRn: i still got id when i bought rainbow six 3
Stearic Vocalist: i look 18 but im only 15.
CanadianKoRn: lol
tavernangel: im 24 and I still get carded…but i think thats a good thing
squeem: and im serious, they carded me for The Ring
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: I get carded when I buy cigs still its like ARGH! I know 16 yr olds that buy these things with out id
JD: im old
~jo~: i wish id get carded
xhryzt: not too old JD
CanadianKoRn: lol
~jo~: no dont say that JOn
CanadianKoRn: nah yr not old
Stearic Vocalist: lol,33ish aye?
tavernangel: only reason I dont is cause I work at wal mart where I get my smokes
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Whats that saying, your only as old as you feel
JD: yah
~sH3LLz42o~: how old do u feel?
~jo~: for me age is aboout atitude
Stearic Vocalist: then im like…..80
squeem: i feel 58 then
squeem: yeah
CanadianKoRn: lol
Stearic Vocalist: lol
xhryzt: lol
~sH3LLz42o~: i feel older too
~jo~: has to be
tavernangel: hell Im still 10 in my mind
squeem: time to retire yo
KoRnFaN: i feel 14, and im 15
KoRnFaN: mainly because
~jo~: lol
CanadianKoRn: i need a walker
~sH3LLz42o~: i am a kid though at heart
CanadianKoRn: lol =p
KoRnFaN: i keep forgetting that i turned 15
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: when it rains i feel about 90
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: my aching joints
squeem: me too
~jo~: i feel like i’m23
xhryzt: I feel 15
xhryzt: lol
CanadianKoRn: wheelchair is better actually
squeem: i think sonic is killing me
squeem: they want me to roller skate you guys
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: we dont have a sonic
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: my dad is talkin about opening one
~sH3LLz42o~: we have 2 here
xhryzt: can’t wait for your porn to come out JD
tavernangel: :wishes there was a sonic out here
squeem: oh yeeeeees
JD: me too
squeem: i am going to skate around with 50 damn slushies attached to me
Stearic Vocalist: D.I.D,my mates r very sceptical to wether or not this is JD.
tavernangel: the only sonic is in LA
~sH3LLz42o~: did u start shootin it?
tavernangel: I think
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: sounds like fun
squeem: fun fun fun
xhryzt: mhm mhm
~sH3LLz42o~: no shit wait we have 3 soniks here
JD: not yet no0v
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Its him
Stearic Vocalist: D.I.D=Mish.
~sH3LLz42o~: november my bday
xhryzt: cool
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Yes Im Mish
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: and its him
~sH3LLz42o~: i like that month
squeem: i cannot stop listenign to this dsong…
Stearic Vocalist: well,i believe u
squeem: s’been like 3 weeks now
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: This is Mish
~jo~: lol
~jo~: oh
CanadianKoRn: ooo
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: See Mish
~jo~: yay
CanadianKoRn: dont say the c word
CanadianKoRn: or shell gag ya
tavernangel: hey JD I think its great that you talk to your fans like this
~jo~: nice pic
JD: yah
~sH3LLz42o~: it’s a k word
xhryzt: Mish is hot
CanadianKoRn: awesome hair
KoRnFaN: jon is that porn youre directing thing coming out soon?
~sH3LLz42o~: awws
CanadianKoRn: hehe \/
~jo~: aww
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: This is my short self wit JD
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: seee
KoRnFaN: lol
~sH3LLz42o~: ur my heighth about
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: thats the best I can do at a quater to 5am
CanadianKoRn: at least i know im not the tallest here
CanadianKoRn: well maybe the tallest girl =x
~sH3LLz42o~: lou is tall
squeem: im the shortest!
xhryzt: I word
tavernangel: how tall CK?
CanadianKoRn: :5’10
Stearic Vocalist: man
~jo~: how tall ck
xhryzt: I think only JD is taller then me in here
~jo~: oh
squeem: woo for being 5 foot yo!
Stearic Vocalist: i cnt fuckin spell
~jo~: yo win
~sH3LLz42o~: no i am lou
xhryzt: haha
~sH3LLz42o~: jk jk
tavernangel: im only 2 inches shorter
CanadianKoRn: misteh calls me amazonia
~jo~: i’m the oldest
JD: yah
squeem: i coudl totally tak eout your knee caps ck
~jo~: ur the tallest
CanadianKoRn: lol
tavernangel: id be taller with heels
xhryzt: I’m 6’2″
squeem: my log broke
~jo~: ohshit lou
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: 5’6
~jo~: tall
~sH3LLz42o~: jd how tall is fieldy?
squeem: damn brb
Stearic Vocalist: 2 bad 4 Sohpie not beliving this is u JD
~sH3LLz42o~: do u know
tavernangel: 6 even with heels
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Oh shit dC finally out grew me
JD: like 52
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
xhryzt: lol
CanadianKoRn: lol
~jo~: lol
Stearic Vocalist: She calls u her babyfuck.
~sH3LLz42o~: i said about 5 6
~sH3LLz42o~: 5 8
~sH3LLz42o~: 5 9
JD: hes short
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: :i belive he is shorter then me
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: :i know bud is
Stearic Vocalist: i drew a pic of u frm yall wanna single,and she practicly had multipul orgasms.
~sH3LLz42o~: see he was a kouple inches taller than me
~sH3LLz42o~: who the fuck
JD: i like
Stearic Vocalist: ?
CanadianKoRn: cookies?
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i just got bite by something
Stearic Vocalist: wat the…
~jo~: i need coffee
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: o0o0 o its itchy
CanadianKoRn: misquto?
tavernangel: you ok mish?
~sH3LLz42o~: do u know about the kampers piks being somewhere in the gh booklet
Stearic Vocalist: was thar ur response 2 my mate?
CanadianKoRn: misquito
CanadianKoRn: bleh
squeem: i deoured this snicker blizzard in about 5 minutes today
squeem: i could hear my ass gain a pound
CanadianKoRn: haha
Stearic Vocalist: okay,i gotta do this
JD: do what
~jo~: brb coffee
CanadianKoRn: im lost right now man
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: *puts on mittens to stop scratchin*
tavernangel: < -- covers her eyes ~sH3LLz42o~: lol squeem: mm nothign to wear Stearic Vocalist: lol. JD: me too squeem: i need new avs CanadianKoRn: well im not lost alone at least CanadianKoRn: lol xhryzt: Im lost wit ya CK squeem: um CanadianKoRn: ooo 3 some CanadianKoRn: :lol *.Death.In.Dreams.*: i had the greatest mittens, they were blue n the mitten part came off so you had fingerless gloves on xhryzt: hehe Stearic Vocalist: can u make me live a bit longer by saying u love me?my real name is Angela by the way. *.Death.In.Dreams.*: i lost em at a concert it sucked Stearic Vocalist: *cringes* squeem: i dont need mittens squeem: this hoodie i have ~jo~: AHA CanadianKoRn: i wear gloves squeem: it has built in mittens CanadianKoRn: im not a mitten person ~sH3LLz42o~: i need to get gloves my hands freeze ~sH3LLz42o~: in the winter JD: i love you angela squeem: built in people, i almost came with happyness *.Death.In.Dreams.*: i cant type with gloves on ~jo~: o0 Stearic Vocalist: *pulls fingers to tavern* tavernangel: HEY! CanadianKoRn: wheres angela? tavernangel: lol Stearic Vocalist: sit and rotate Stearic Vocalist: ME!! ~sH3LLz42o~: what u talkin bout jd? ~jo~: lol up there ck *.Death.In.Dreams.*: my friend has a hoodie with thumb holes in the cuffs Stearic Vocalist: that my real name *.Death.In.Dreams.*: i almost stole it on sight CanadianKoRn: :see how lost iam lol Stearic Vocalist: *thats squeem: it has like, thumbs ~sH3LLz42o~: oh ohhh *.Death.In.Dreams.*: but it was brown n i dont like brown ~sH3LLz42o~: wtf i thought u were a guy squeem: but too big for me Stearic Vocalist: that's Jon ~sH3LLz42o~: man i am way lost ~sH3LLz42o~: oh alrite squeem: and it's blue and has this velcro hand on the front CanadianKoRn: hah /\ ~sH3LLz42o~: ur diff. tavernangel: dont tease angela Stearic Vocalist: im stearic vocalist squeem: i can make the hand make...gestures tavernangel: lol ~sH3LLz42o~: 2 ppl use that akkount/ *.Death.In.Dreams.*: ^goes to find itchy stuff tavernangel: mish use a little ice CanadianKoRn: i usually make an x over the bite squeem: jonathan, ya'll did a wonderful job in dallas this year CanadianKoRn: and it kinda stops ~sH3LLz42o~: ya'll JD: thank you xhryzt: I wish I could have gone to PR CanadianKoRn: u need to come back to canada for a few shows ~sH3LLz42o~: PR was awesome CanadianKoRn: we miss u ~jo~: aww lou xhryzt: =( squeem: i followed you around on your golf cart that night with two other girls JD: yah squeem: we screeched at you alot, heh tavernangel: i loved PR exept less than jake xhryzt: you guys make me said whenever you mention PR Stearic Vocalist: r there age restrictions 2 get in2 korn koncerts? ~jo~: *hugs ~sH3LLz42o~: it's ok lou next vegas show we are there CanadianKoRn: i didnt go to PR either yo JD: no *.Death.In.Dreams.*: we got skeeter sticks *.Death.In.Dreams.*: stops the itchy squeem: i went to two, i got greedy xhryzt: lets runaway ck CanadianKoRn: haha Stearic Vocalist: booya CanadianKoRn: i dont know if they will let me across the border ~sH3LLz42o~: JD i like when u guys play at the hard rock in vegas *.Death.In.Dreams.*: :i went to 4 but im spoiled xhryzt: thats ok, I'll walk on over JD: its kool squeem: hey i did it on impulse ~sH3LLz42o~: fuck yeah CanadianKoRn: mountines might not let u squeem: i was on the highway next to the venue squeem: and i wa slike CanadianKoRn: pft mounties squeem: korn is playyying riiiight nooow squeem: and this scalper walks up squeem: haha *.Death.In.Dreams.*: my friend and i drove 10 hrs to NC on an impulse cause we were bored Stearic Vocalist: i love: Sean Olson,Proud,Kick the PA Stearic Vocalist: DAMNIT!!! *.Death.In.Dreams.*: and Korn was playing Stearic Vocalist: ^BRB ~sH3LLz42o~: mhmm good songs ~jo~: oh squeem: i was in town to bring my lil bro school shopping squeem: so i had moneyhehe *.Death.In.Dreams.*: hehehe tavernangel: JD how come you never laid down layla? Or did you? ~jo~: i won my first korn tix *.Death.In.Dreams.*: itchy itchy itchy squeem: i told the guy he had money left over..just not how much squeem: my first was sick and twisted ~jo~: from the radio squeem: i think i almost killed people wheni would beg ~jo~: i about ran off the road xhryzt: my niece's middle name is Layla JD: we did ~jo~: lol tavernangel: thats one of my favs CanadianKoRn: layla is a great song KoRnFaN: yall should play camel song live squeem: i have only heeard a reallyb ad version of layla ~sH3LLz42o~: i like that song ~jo~: yea tavernangel: me to sqeem JD: i dont even have it ~jo~: but i ahve to say that another brick in the wall blew me away at PR ~sH3LLz42o~: yeah it was good JD: its good ~jo~: awesome Jon *.Death.In.Dreams.*: very very good squeem: i enjoyed word up squeem: alot ~sH3LLz42o~: that too ~jo~: yea squeem: and i fell downt he grass hill while i was bouncing around *.Death.In.Dreams.*: n I have to say that I loved the M*A*S*H* Korn shirts JD: i love that song xhryzt: did you guys read the new news thingie on kamp? squeem: i just laid there until poeple looked away *.Death.In.Dreams.*: news? ~jo~: i didnt ~sH3LLz42o~: aw ~sH3LLz42o~: na ~sH3LLz42o~: naw JD: no CanadianKoRn: how new is new xhryzt: on kamp, about the word up video ~sH3LLz42o~: oh yeah i did CanadianKoRn: oh *.Death.In.Dreams.*: i skimmed kamp earlier ive been workin on the .com boards xhryzt: the beginning sounds badass ~jo~: lol ~jo~: i saw that lou JD: its so fuckin wrong squeem: why am i quiet? ~sH3LLz42o~: lol man i kan't wait xhryzt: hehe squeem: what is wrong with my brain dammit ~sH3LLz42o~: nada ~sH3LLz42o~: it's natural squeem: i think im in shock squeem: this never happens ~sH3LLz42o~: u are JD: you will die ~sH3LLz42o~: lol ~jo~: lol me 2 squeem: is my luck changing? squeem: doubt it. ~sH3LLz42o~: miss kleooooo ~sH3LLz42o~: jd i am psykik though i think squeem: haha * CanadianKoRn * whos he sayin * CanadianKoRn * who will diel ol squeem: dood ck why doesn;t your phone number show up on call id? ~jo~: lol guys... ~sH3LLz42o~: she is sekretive CanadianKoRn: maybe cause i called from canada? CanadianKoRn: :lol ~jo~: i told shel bit now i'll tell you ... squeem: i was going to really bitch before it hit me the words 'jd' were said ~sH3LLz42o~: what jo * xhryzt * I think he's talkin bout the word up video when we see it ~sH3LLz42o~: thank u ck i love u ~jo~: jsut b4 i woke up i dreamt Jon would be here today squeem: and thanks ~sH3LLz42o~: oh yeah u did tell me lol ~jo~: lol yea pskic one ~jo~: lol *.Death.In.Dreams.*: JD tell Bud he needs to send me prizes JD: ok ~sH3LLz42o~: i have been having dreams about u jd for the past week,like ones of u and ur bus and i don't know why xhryzt: maybe this time I'll win something CanadianKoRn: i won something last time *.Death.In.Dreams.*: hehehe CanadianKoRn: woot woot xhryzt: I almost won last time ~jo~: i wanna win something ~sH3LLz42o~: in the asylum huh mish squeem: my stomach hates me right now *.Death.In.Dreams.*: well on the 11th depending on what I can get out of Bud, Ben, and anyone else I can corner ~sH3LLz42o~: or another quiz one *.Death.In.Dreams.*: of october *.Death.In.Dreams.*: probably a mix squeem: i think i have a loverly lilulcers ~sH3LLz42o~: kool *.Death.In.Dreams.*: well we have the asylum to break in for a scavanger hunt CanadianKoRn: jd have u been playin xbox live much lately? ~sH3LLz42o~: yeah that should be fun JD: no ~jo~: oo00 ~jo~: kool CanadianKoRn: one day u and me and some others should play rainbow six *.Death.In.Dreams.*: i got my friend steves xbox so i can play riddick KoRnFaN: yeah CanadianKoRn: and by play i mean yall get to kill me JD: ok CanadianKoRn: :i suck lol KoRnFaN: lol KoRnFaN: yeah CK you need some practice ~sH3LLz42o~: i probably do too CanadianKoRn: im still in that i get stuck behind walls faze xhryzt: A LOT xhryzt: lol ~jo~: hi member tavernangel: <-- only has a suckky ps2 squeem: you know, i still haven't beat the original mario bros ~sH3LLz42o~: i haven't played anything on there CanadianKoRn: lol thanks guys *.Death.In.Dreams.*: maybe ill get an xbox of my own one day *.Death.In.Dreams.*: I DID squeem: *shame* xhryzt: what? xhryzt: oh squeem: been playing that cunt sinc ei was 5 xhryzt: I have a confession to make tavernangel: sqeem the only game Ive ever beaten was JAWS *.Death.In.Dreams.*: Silent Hill 4 comes out tomorro squeem: and no fucking beans *.Death.In.Dreams.*: tomorrow xhryzt: I've never beaten the first Super Mario Bros. KoRnFaN: lol *.Death.In.Dreams.*: and Im debating how much I want it CanadianKoRn: i beat tony hawk underground squeem: i beat fatal frame xhryzt: I beat 2 and 3 but not 1 Stearic Vocalist: fuck i h8 my mum *.Death.In.Dreams.*: and if its worth being broke CanadianKoRn: *coughs on easy coughs* squeem: that game scaredme squeem: i would scream while i played ~jo~: lou CanadianKoRn: :lol xhryzt: CK ~jo~: lol KoRnFaN: im currently working on beating The Guy Game squeem: OMG OMG OMG SHE HAS NO HEEEAD xhryzt: try beating 3 then get back to me squeem: etc Stearic Vocalist: she yelled at me to get off the comp KoRnFaN: Im more than 1/2 way through the guy game *.Death.In.Dreams.*: silent hill 3? JD: sorry *.Death.In.Dreams.*: or mario 3? KoRnFaN: i never beat silent hill 3 Stearic Vocalist: and i sed,my hero is not there!! *.Death.In.Dreams.*: I did Stearic Vocalist: *on KoRnFaN: last game i beat was spiderman 2 Stearic Vocalist: damn,bad typo squeem: see that's why i like paying my own bills xhryzt: Mario 3 squeem: no one can tell me to do shit Stearic Vocalist: thank god u didnt go JD *.Death.In.Dreams.*: silent hill 3 was not a smart game to play in the dark with headphones on xhryzt: on mario 1 I would always get lost in the last castle KoRnFaN: lol *.Death.In.Dreams.*: i scared the shit out of myself so many times squeem: man i could play fatal frame in the bright noisy day time squeem: and still be almost shitting myself xhryzt: Resident Evil, I jumped a few times but I was never piss scared tavernangel: well Im proud of my jaws win ~sH3LLz42o~: mmhmm lou squeem: the music, gah tavernangel: jaws was hard ~sH3LLz42o~: hi derrrrrrr Stearic Vocalist: oh!! NoThingB>S>C>: sup sup
~jo~: hi der
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: resident evil never got me as shook as silent hill does
NoThingB>S>C>: hows everyone doin
~jo~: good
xhryzt: some kid at my school pissed his pants playing the original Resident Evil on ps1
~sH3LLz42o~: pretty good
JD: ggod
squeem: haha
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
Stearic Vocalist: i reccomend u guys try bloodrayne and devil may cry
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: werd
NoThingB>S>C>: right on
~jo~: lol
KoRnFaN: lol
~sH3LLz42o~: that movie komes out on friday
NoThingB>S>C>: same here.. just chillin eatin an egg roll lol
squeem: i watched bloodrayne
squeem: chik runs around killing nazi’s
squeem: wooo
CanadianKoRn: i tried playin evil dead
CanadianKoRn: but they killed me
KoRnFaN: heh
squeem: yeah
squeem: i could never get out of the cabin
KoRnFaN: games dont scare me
squeem: i saw that movie when i was 7
squeem: i think it scared me
CanadianKoRn: i laughed everytime a dead hooker ran at me though
squeem: scarred
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
CanadianKoRn: so that might have been the weak moment
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: does anyone remeber the friday the 13th game
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: for nintendo?
NoThingB>S>C>: a shitty movie i seen tongiht.. the itallian job
~sH3LLz42o~: yeah lol my friend has that
squeem: i can’t be near windows at night without gettign freaked out
KoRnFaN: i liked the italian job
~sH3LLz42o~: he has a whole shitload of nintendo games
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: hey the itilian job isnt that bad
xhryzt: I do Mish
~sH3LLz42o~: like all of them
CanadianKoRn: never had nintendo
squeem: i still have my NES
Stearic Vocalist: ohh
xhryzt: friday the 13, I would always try to kill Jason and end up dying
squeem: it’s gettin dusty
tavernangel: the only movie that eer scared me was strangeland
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i dont think i have that one but i remeber playin it
NoThingB>S>C>: it was slow as hell i though.. i mean gots some good action scenes but if you dont fall asleep b4 them your all good
tavernangel: ever*
CanadianKoRn: jd is mad?
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
CanadianKoRn: O.o
squeem: strangeland wa so fucking lame
~sH3LLz42o~: i mean u alrite there
Stearic Vocalist: JD,i dnt mean 2 frighten u but my gay freind thinks ur hott.
squeem: i wanted to hurt dee snider
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: some of us belive in movies having a thing called plot
tavernangel: well only cause my ex wsa into that shit
squeem: really
squeem: not omg i have piercings and im…scary oooo
tavernangel: LMAO
xhryzt: so uh, I was playing grand theft auto 3 today and I was tryin to pick up a hooker to get my health up and some fool jumped in as she was opening the door and car jacked me
squeem: i mean
KoRnFaN: lol
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: HAHAHAHAHA
~jo~: lol
xhryzt: it was a nice car too
CanadianKoRn: u can pick up hookers?
~jo~: yea
tavernangel: the only reason it scared me was cause my ex had 64 peircing and i could see him doin that stuff
~sH3LLz42o~: lou u always pick up thos hookers
xhryzt: mercedes benz like
CanadianKoRn: i need to play that game
squeem: you can do them
~sH3LLz42o~: i like that game
xhryzt: yes you can CK
squeem: lou is a whore
CanadianKoRn: haha
xhryzt: dude
KoRnFaN: Man, i just cant wait for halo 2
xhryzt: they replinish your health!
squeem: andi also didn’t know he was here til just now
CanadianKoRn: lol
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: lou did you know they want to make stargate movies wit the new cast?
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
Stearic Vocalist: ohh,JD.Do i have ur blessing 2 sing ur songs at my mates birthday?
squeem: you’re under my log yo
xhryzt: yes
xhryzt: I heard Mish
JD: yah
xhryzt: after SG1 ends
~sH3LLz42o~: that’s a kitty
~sH3LLz42o~: damn i thought it was a bat lol
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: least it wont be totally gone im gonna miss that show
xhryzt: I still have my fingers crossed Apophis will return
NoThingB>S>C>: i thought it was like a bat or something haha
CanadianKoRn: hah thats what i thought it was at first
KoRnFaN: lol
NoThingB>S>C>: all hideing in the dark
KoRnFaN: oh man i wake up in 7 hours
~sH3LLz42o~: let me put my neopet on
Stearic Vocalist: kool,thanks man,it means a lot 2 both of us
~sH3LLz42o~: aww when i didn’t take kare of it
xhryzt: my bro gets mad whenever I say they gonna bring back Apophis
squeem: my neopets are starving to death
Stearic Vocalist: hahha
~sH3LLz42o~: poor thing
KoRnFaN: lol
~jo~: aww
CanadianKoRn: :i love this guy
~jo~: my neo pet must be dead by now
Stearic Vocalist: facials!!!love ur av squeem
~sH3LLz42o~: wth is that
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: yea they could bring him back again
CanadianKoRn: drackonack
squeem: i dont think they die
~sH3LLz42o~: looks like bbop or rocksteady
~sH3LLz42o~: something like that
~jo~: no?
CanadianKoRn: hes a petpet
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i just hope atlantis doesnt die when sg1 is gone
xhryzt: word
CanadianKoRn: we all gunna put jd pics on now? lol
Stearic Vocalist: aw,sweet then kornfan
JD: yes
~jo~: lol
KoRnFaN: heh
squeem: oo cd skippin
xhryzt: lol
squeem: yaayhehe
squeem: hey
squeem: i like this picture
~jo~: ok
CanadianKoRn: this is a nice one
KoRnFaN: heh
CanadianKoRn: =)
~sH3LLz42o~: where’s deven at?
squeem: it makes me happy in the pants.
squeem: HAHA
Stearic Vocalist: lol
squeem: do you know when i saw that deven pic
KoRnFaN: deven is so hot
squeem: they had
~sH3LLz42o~: tell her we say hi
JD: in bed with me
squeem: «jonthan davis and his girlfirend»
KoRnFaN: Lol
KoRnFaN: nice
xhryzt: all I got is dancing JD
squeem: and then under neath that
Stearic Vocalist: take that
xhryzt: lol
squeem: hit parader
squeem: and i wa slike
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
CanadianKoRn: is she watchin us?
Stearic Vocalist: lmfao
squeem: wtf kind of name is that??
CanadianKoRn: *waves*
~sH3LLz42o~: hi ashhhh did i already say hi
Stearic Vocalist: hula dance
squeem: it was the first time i saw a hit parader
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: hello
DiviNeHiveR: oh man
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: howdy
Stearic Vocalist: i prefer the peckers dance
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: *waves*
KoRnFaN: Jon have you guys ever thought of making a song named KoRn?
DiviNeHiveR: hi jon
KoRnFaN: i was having that thought today
~jo~: only one i got and damn chris gave me all those really great pics
JD: no
xhryzt: lol
~jo~: even thought this one is great
KoRnFaN: k
* CanadianKoRn * hesbeen on for like an hour yo
NoThingB>S>C>: you want some more Jo?
~sH3LLz42o~: man i ate too much bbq
~jo~: lol sure
tavernangel: i need a pallat jo
tavernangel: lol
Stearic Vocalist: mmm…..
~jo~: i jsut get mine from others
~jo~: lol
NoThingB>S>C>: aiight
~jo~: k
Stearic Vocalist: ne1 want my msn thing?
* xhryzt * word, I got like 11 logs
* xhryzt * lol
tavernangel: all I have is the one I showed you yesterday
squeem: woo
~jo~: ha
DiviNeHiveR: hey jon, i saw u at the chula vista show, i had my sleeve rolled up showin u the HIV sig, do u remember?
Stearic Vocalist: and jon,i swear on my father’s grave i wont give urz out if u have one and u let me know.
squeem: HAvv
squeem: omg
squeem: haha
JD: yah
CanadianKoRn: :freakazoid
DiviNeHiveR: did J.R have u email a girl names ashley a while back?
tavernangel: i like that one bsc.. the last one you had
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i want a bagel
KoRnFaN: damn so do i
KoRnFaN: but
squeem: i have bagels
Stearic Vocalist: ^seasango_jr(at symbol)hotmail.com every1!!
xhryzt: wit cream cheese?
CanadianKoRn: hmm
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: bacon egg n chees on a plain bagel
JD: damn i was drunk
KoRnFaN: ima have a bagel 5 days a week when school starts
squeem: and cream cheese
Stearic Vocalist: woops
xhryzt: ahh
squeem: oh the cheese
DiviNeHiveR: when
KoRnFaN: cause thats my lunch at school every single day
Stearic Vocalist: ^seasango_jr(at symbol)hotmail.com every1!!
xhryzt: sounds good Mish
tavernangel: want me to send you one mish?
NoThingB>S>C>: haha when you were pukein in the toilet
CanadianKoRn: did bud ever lick the toliet?
JD: no
Stearic Vocalist: ^seasango_jr(at symbol)hotmail.com every1!!
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i think ima have to get up before noon
squeem: hey now
KoRnFaN: i am too mish
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: so i can go get a bagel
squeem: you got space that way>>
CanadianKoRn: its in the log
CanadianKoRn: u dont have to keep puttin it up
KoRnFaN: because my stupid ass school fucked up my schedule
KoRnFaN: so i need to go bitch at em
KoRnFaN: or
KoRnFaN: i could let it stay how it is
KoRnFaN: and sue them
~jo~: thanks der
~sH3LLz42o~: JD do u like the piks u see of u everywhere
JD: yes
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: ill get my bacon egg n cheese and then i get a half dozen wit some good cream cheese
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: yummm
KoRnFaN: kickass, cream cheese
xhryzt: your making me hungry Mish
~sH3LLz42o~: i know huh and i thought i was full
JD: yes i do
tavernangel: strawberry cream cheese mish is the best
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: man its almost 5:30 im starved
squeem: hah ait’s always sex or food here, i swear
KoRnFaN: lol
Stearic Vocalist: sex?
Stearic Vocalist: who sed sex?
~jo~: hot pic
KoRnFaN: we always talk about sex on here
squeem: i mean in general stearic
CanadianKoRn: hehe
NoThingB>S>C>: you want some toons to?
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: nope the rasin, walnut cream cheese is
Stearic Vocalist: *shivers* bad memories.
CanadianKoRn: i knew i had his pic somewhere
JD: i dont think i did
tavernangel: mm never had that
tavernangel: sounds good though
~jo~: thnaks der
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: its very good
xhryzt: food and sex are popular topics here
KoRnFaN: lol
NoThingB>S>C>: yeppers
squeem: hey
CanadianKoRn: S>C>: brrr its cold in my apt
Stearic Vocalist: u no wat i want?
Stearic Vocalist: like,seriously
squeem: a popsicle?
Stearic Vocalist: and yes,it’s sexual
squeem: i want apopsicle
NoThingB>S>C>: lol
CanadianKoRn: sexual healing
CanadianKoRn: damnit
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i want a bagel wit bacon egg n cheese
xhryzt: Shel, did you show Sara your popsicle pix?
Stearic Vocalist: i feel like eatn sum gooch.
tavernangel: i got rocky road squeem
~sH3LLz42o~: no i will if she wants to see
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
KoRnFaN: gooch?
~jo~: mmm sounds good
squeem: do..do i want to see these pics?
KoRnFaN: dude
xhryzt: yes you do
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: :scared
KoRnFaN: gooch is the area below a guys balls and before his ass
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
CanadianKoRn: oo whats pics
Stearic Vocalist: no shit
xhryzt: haha
KoRnFaN: wtf
xhryzt: I let he cat out of the bag
squeem: um
squeem: that spot has so many names
KoRnFaN: heh
Stearic Vocalist: im fukked up,get used 2 it
squeem: all i knwo is it can make some guys giggle
KoRnFaN: perineum
Stearic Vocalist: hey
KoRnFaN: is the real name i believe
~jo~: hahhah
~sH3LLz42o~: what
xhryzt: there’s a guy named Gooch on our rock station
KoRnFaN: perineal dimple is the name of the weird crease in it
Stearic Vocalist: lol
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
KoRnFaN: its from
xhryzt: komp 92.3
xhryzt: shel
KoRnFaN: when were still in the womb
Stearic Vocalist: goochie dress
KoRnFaN: when uh, we turn into males
KoRnFaN: instead of females
~sH3LLz42o~: hey i think i get that i’m not sure
xhryzt: lol
squeem: thank you for that lesson korn fan
KoRnFaN: lol
~jo~: lol
xhryzt: I put it on sometimes to hear old school shit
Stearic Vocalist: we all have a pernium tho aye?
Stearic Vocalist: evn chicks
KoRnFaN: i read it straight from a sex ed site type thing
squeem: i’ll name mine after you
KoRnFaN: uh
NoThingB>S>C>: haha
KoRnFaN: no
KoRnFaN: girls just have a vagina
KoRnFaN: thats why a vagina is lower
squeem: we have penises too
Stearic Vocalist: skool taught me that we akk have gooches
squeem: didn;t you knwo that?
Stearic Vocalist: *all
KoRnFaN: man
CanadianKoRn: lol
KoRnFaN: school also told us that we’ll all have wet dreams
KoRnFaN: they never mentioned masturbation
KoRnFaN: and most guys dont have wet dreams
Stearic Vocalist: well,chicks cum
squeem: it’s like….we hide it in a pouch like a kangaroo
~jo~: :things you learn from a 15 yr olf
KoRnFaN: cause they masturbate enough
KoRnFaN: lol
NoThingB>S>C>: lol Jo
~jo~: lol
KoRnFaN: hey i know my stuff
Stearic Vocalist: lol,lick that
~jo~: really
tavernangel: i knew I should gone to school more
squeem: and then bitch slap people with them
KoRnFaN: cause i have a lot of free time
Stearic Vocalist: no shit
~jo~: yes you do anthony
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: dick smack
Stearic Vocalist: im a one handed typer
squeem: if i had adick
squeem: i would do that to girls all the time
Stearic Vocalist: i need a dong
KoRnFaN: lol
CanadianKoRn: lol
~jo~: ha
xhryzt: I’m listening to Word Up guys
KoRnFaN: what do they call that dick smacking thing on wildboyz again
~sH3LLz42o~: kools
KoRnFaN: when steve-o had the animal dick slap him in the face
KoRnFaN: damn, i just watched the episode like yesterday
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: wouldnt know i dont watch that show
KoRnFaN: and i cant remember
squeem: those guys need some damn medication
~sH3LLz42o~: i am so thirsty
squeem: or to just get it over with and fuck eachother
KoRnFaN: its a kickass show
squeem: it’s liek your ass this and my dick that!
KoRnFaN: nah
squeem: yes
* CanadianKoRn * think jd fell asleep at the comp lol
NoThingB>S>C>: lol your ass and dick
KoRnFaN: they always just run through fields in underwear that has no back
NoThingB>S>C>: sounds pretty gay
squeem: always with the ass
KoRnFaN: and scare off animals
KoRnFaN: hey twiz
~sH3LLz42o~: hi kell kell
.hooKs&spLinTers.: hey
~jo~: ther
squeem: twiz!
squeem: lookit
.hooKs&spLinTers.: hi jonathan
NoThingB>S>C>: hey twiz
~jo~: haha lou
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: so very very hungry
~jo~: eat something mish
* xhryzt * CK thinks JD fell asleep at the keyboard
KoRnFaN: im thirsty
* xhryzt * LOL
* xhryzt * I told Mish, LOL
~jo~: shit i have no sword
~sH3LLz42o~: lol
* CanadianKoRn * what
~jo~: wtf!
* CanadianKoRn * that i think hes alseep lol
KoRnFaN: my throat is all dry, cause im all out of spit
.hooKs&spLinTers.: lou should share, he has two
Stearic Vocalist: peckers rollie pollie peckers,peckers.peckers eat them up.Oh yeah yum!
* xhryzt * «CK thinks JD fell asleep at the keyboard»
~jo~: hey twiz
squeem: is jonthan dead?
* CanadianKoRn * lol
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: nothin in my room to eat but white cheese potato chips n cake
KoRnFaN: i dunno
~jo~: oh
CanadianKoRn: i think he fell asleep
Stearic Vocalist: dnt say that!!!!!
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: probably doing something else
KoRnFaN: but hes in his bed with deven
squeem: eat a potato chip cake
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: possibly readin the boards
JD: im here
Stearic Vocalist: yeah
Stearic Vocalist: not dead
Stearic Vocalist: fukk
~jo~: nope hes here
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: or just watchin us babble
~jo~: lol
~jo~: yuea
Stearic Vocalist: i need a new heart now
squeem: i could go for some cottage cheese and chips right now
xhryzt: CK
CanadianKoRn: LOU
Stearic Vocalist: mine jst burst
xhryzt: Jason wants to meet you
NoThingB>S>C>: bout dicks and masterbations lol
squeem: omg can we say orgasm of the throat?
.hooKs&spLinTers.: that is gross, sara
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i dont like cottahe cheese
KoRnFaN: if i had a fiancee as hot as deven i wouldnt ever be on here
~jo~: ha yea
xhryzt: HI TWIZ
squeem: NO
CanadianKoRn: whos jason
Stearic Vocalist: lol
~jo~: der
~sH3LLz42o~: i do
squeem: IT OWNS YOU
.hooKs&spLinTers.: hi lou
xhryzt: Pantyshot
Stearic Vocalist: donkey styles
CanadianKoRn: O.o
squeem: my fiance is as hot as deven
squeem: but
CanadianKoRn: god damnit
squeem: ya know
CanadianKoRn: im not hot
squeem: with a penis
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: whats the problem?
Stearic Vocalist: my bf’s gone cold on me
Stearic Vocalist: =(
xhryzt: CK is totally hot
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i wont say shit cause it will lead to the use of that damn word
squeem: ha
KoRnFaN: yeah cks hot
Stearic Vocalist: wat word?
squeem: i thought you were a guys
KoRnFaN: this palace is loaded with hot girls
squeem: cute?
squeem: is that it?
squeem: cute?
.hooKs&spLinTers.: am i the only one whos never seen a pic of Ck?
Stearic Vocalist: this is SV
CanadianKoRn: shhh
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: *growls*
xhryzt: cute?
squeem: hehe
~jo~: no twiz
xhryzt: err
CanadianKoRn: no the c word
KoRnFaN: lol
JD: yep
squeem: no i get it too
CanadianKoRn: not*
~jo~: i havent either
squeem: it plagues me
Stearic Vocalist: yeah
.hooKs&spLinTers.: i feel deprived
squeem: oh!
.hooKs&spLinTers.: hook me up
squeem: jonathan
CanadianKoRn: i only like my eyes yo
squeem: do you know tshirthell.com?
JD: yes
~jo~: hey lou do you still have that av of me tht you made me?
squeem: ah
JD: no
KoRnFaN: dude jon you should open a free porn site
squeem: i have the asthma is sexy tee
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i love being reffered to by a term that is commonly used for small babies and fuzzy lil animals
squeem: i wore it to the san antonio tee
squeem: show
squeem: not tee heh
Stearic Vocalist: um,I wrote a song inspired by ur self-titles album.
~jo~: is that you ck?
CanadianKoRn: :my eyes are my best feature
.hooKs&spLinTers.: that is spiffy as fuck, ck
Stearic Vocalist: *titled
CanadianKoRn: yes
~jo~: ah
KoRnFaN: her eyes are kickass
~jo~: kool
.hooKs&spLinTers.: but i wanna see the rest
CanadianKoRn: lol
Stearic Vocalist: yum
~jo~: me 2
NoThingB>S>C>: looks like you have some wicked contacts in
squeem: fetus eater
CanadianKoRn: there not contacts
CanadianKoRn: naturally 2 colors
~jo~: oh nice
Stearic Vocalist: ^seasango_jr(at symbol)hotmail.com every1!!
KoRnFaN: !!, i remembered a big mystery
NoThingB>S>C>: pretty cool
CanadianKoRn: imma natural freak
tavernangel: thats cool CK
CanadianKoRn: lol
.hooKs&spLinTers.: ck
KoRnFaN: what are you saying in the beginning of freak on a leash
KoRnFaN: jon
KoRnFaN: theres like a 1 second sound made by you
squeem: ck is a chimaira
Stearic Vocalist: ?
.hooKs&spLinTers.: ahem!
.hooKs&spLinTers.: ck
~jo~: ohhhhhhhh
~sH3LLz42o~: wooohoooo
.hooKs&spLinTers.: ok, thas a little better
~jo~: ck!
Stearic Vocalist: !say aye if u have msn here!plz!!
CanadianKoRn: see
CanadianKoRn: ha done
xhryzt: yum
~jo~: yay
squeem: okay
KoRnFaN: heh
squeem: now it’s hot
~jo~: so lou
.hooKs&spLinTers.: aww, you look saddened =(
squeem: but i know if i take this hoodie off
xhryzt: so jo
squeem: it will suck
Stearic Vocalist: my god
KoRnFaN: «you and I werent meant to be, a cheap fuck for me to lay, something takes a part of me!»
Stearic Vocalist: i jst rememberd
~jo~: do youstill have that pic of me you made into an av?
xhryzt: ahh no I don’t
~jo~: damnit
Stearic Vocalist: i live in Feilding and we had a huge ass flood a few months ago
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Jonathan doesnt tell his lyrics
CanadianKoRn: i have pics of shellz, mish, misteh and catstar
CanadianKoRn: and pari
squeem: not me?
CanadianKoRn: and kent too lol
Stearic Vocalist: the first things i saved were my korn cds
squeem: *sobs*
KoRnFaN: yeah but its like not a lyric
CanadianKoRn: in my propbag
squeem: im so unloved here
KoRnFaN: its a quick something he says
squeem: =p
KoRnFaN: before Freak on a leash cuts in
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: *shruggs* never told em in the past so
.hooKs&spLinTers.: the fuck?
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: I was just lettin you know
KoRnFaN: sounds like he says iss
KoRnFaN: but
KoRnFaN: what i find weird is he says yall ready for this
xhryzt: its whatever you want it to be
~jo~: lol the last hurricane b4 frances i saved all my korn cds and my PR tix
KoRnFaN: it sounds like maybe they had that at the beginning of it
KoRnFaN: and then cut it out
KoRnFaN: except for the end of the word this
~jo~: took them wif me
tavernangel: hi joe!
KoRnFaN: but i could be completely wrong
the.joe.: hey dude
.hooKs&spLinTers.: what the hell are you talking about?
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: hey joe
~jo~: hi joe
the.joe.: hey mish
squeem: the last flood i got fucked at this choir thing
Stearic Vocalist: man
xhryzt: hey joe
squeem: and couldn’t go home
.hooKs&spLinTers.: wait, nvm, i dont care
the.joe.: haha hi dudes
NoThingB>S>C>: haha
Stearic Vocalist: i hate father’s day
KoRnFaN: lol
squeem: i do not keep up with those holidays
Stearic Vocalist: coz i dnt have a father
the.joe.: i learned something today
KoRnFaN: i completely threw away my plan to be off here by 5 AM
Stearic Vocalist: he died when i was 9
the.joe.: i suck at poker but i cheat real good
~jo~: hahah anthony
CanadianKoRn: haha
CanadianKoRn: eh my dads up
.hooKs&spLinTers.: go to bed
~jo~: you have school today?
tavernangel: never been in a flood but I know earthquacks
CanadianKoRn: so im sure hell bitch at me later
KoRnFaN: no
KoRnFaN: but
KoRnFaN: i have to get up at noon
tavernangel: sp*
~jo~: oh
KoRnFaN: to go there and fix the schedule that they fucked up
squeem: oo youngins hehe
~jo~: lol saya
Stearic Vocalist: man,we get all kinda shit down here
~jo~: sara
KoRnFaN: aside from all the class fuck ups
KoRnFaN: they gave me the wrong lunch period
KoRnFaN: and put my lab on my lunch period on thursdays
Stearic Vocalist: tornadoes
~jo~: i wish i were in school
KoRnFaN: which is illegal
Stearic Vocalist: floods
Stearic Vocalist: earthquakes
squeem: i have to go to history and uhhhm english tomorrow
.hooKs&spLinTers.: lou
squeem: and both jobs
the.joe.: eartquakes are awesome
Stearic Vocalist: its all good
squeem: i am going to be so passing out haha
tavernangel: i like them though angela
Stearic Vocalist: !AHH
.hooKs&spLinTers.: lou!
Stearic Vocalist: thats right
Stearic Vocalist: i told uz my name
xhryzt: twiz
~jo~: twiz hes not payin attention i guess
~jo~: oh
~jo~: nm
.hooKs&spLinTers.: wheres my ducky?
tavernangel: would you rather I call you by your nick?
xhryzt: I’m saving the log
Stearic Vocalist: shotta X
squeem: i have some sheep twiz
squeem: would you lioke a sheep?
.hooKs&spLinTers.: no
.hooKs&spLinTers.: i want my ducky
squeem: fine
squeem: they hate you too
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: i can always tell when it gets near 6 am
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: my eyes start to burn
Stearic Vocalist: i hate allotta ppl
the.joe.: why
JD: good night all
KoRnFaN: lol
.hooKs&spLinTers.: *pets ducky*
the.joe.: aw
KoRnFaN: oh dit
KoRnFaN: Night Jon
~sH3LLz42o~: gniteeeeeees
Stearic Vocalist: man
.hooKs&spLinTers.: night jonathan
~sH3LLz42o~: see u later
squeem: aw night jonthan
CanadianKoRn: nite jd
~jo~: aww nite JOn
xhryzt: night JD
*.Death.In.Dreams.*: Night Jonathan, Night Deven
Stearic Vocalist: i love u so much JD
KoRnFaN: come on earlier next time
squeem: im glad i caught you this time
~jo~: sweet drewams
KoRnFaN: lol
CanadianKoRn: dont let the bed bugs bite
NoThingB>S>C>: L8er Jonathan
tavernangel: good nigh JD love you man
KoRnFaN: cause im starting school in 2 dyas
KoRnFaN: days*
~jo~: love ya
KoRnFaN: so i wont be on this late
KoRnFaN: Night dude
xhryzt: Thanks for making music JD
JD: talk to yah soon
Stearic Vocalist: we all love u
~jo~: hugs
squeem: STILL love you
~sH3LLz42o~: byeeeees
Stearic Vocalist: coz u love us
CanadianKoRn: woot
CanadianKoRn: niters jd
~jo~: uea
Stearic Vocalist: aw
~jo~: always will
Stearic Vocalist: talk about prolonging the pain
~jo~: too
squeem: ever n ever
.hooKs&spLinTers.: i wish i got that kind of responce when i announce im leaving…

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